APG는 혁신적인 신제품 개발과 글로벌 전략으로 professional loudspeaker의 높은 품질과 탁월한 사운드에 집중해왔습니다. 40여년 동안 음향 및 전자기기 부문에서 높은 수준의 창조와 성취를 이루어내며 APG만의 독자성을 제공하고 있습니다.
Universal solution for amplification
DSP treatment
Large scale amp rack
Distributed sound reinforcement applications
Bi-amplified systems
In a modular 10U rack, it offers 4-in / 4 DSP modules / 8 powered outputs.
Composed of:
Two rack units (2U) are available on the front panel for electric distribution block and / or network, rack lighting. This allows for all connections and access from the front of the rack.
These racks are delivered assembled, wired and tested WITHOUT POWER SUPPLY BLOCK (provided with 5 PC 16A)
They are compatible in dimension and fastening with UNIRACK and TFCWB.