1987년 창립 이래로, Link는 엔터테인먼트 산업을 위해 케이블, 컨넥터, 액세서리의 생산과 유통에 집중해왔습니다. Link는 인터커넥션의 문제해결 가능성에 초점을 두고, 전문가의 팀을 결성하고 특히 시장의 요구를 충족시킬 수 있는 광범위한 제품을 만들어 냈습니다. 그 결과 오늘날의 Link는 최상의 품질과 최신제품으로 고객들을 지원하는데에 헌신하는 조직이 되었으며, Link에서 지원하는 디스트리뷰터 네트워크망은 전 세계에 걸쳐 각 나라의 고객들을 즉시 지원하는 데에 도움을 줍니다.

LKO Connectors


The new LKO hybrid optical/power connector features a 4 channel expanded beam optical connection and 5 x 8 AWG electrical contacts. The power contacts are ideal for transporting a three phase 32A power source in addition to the tactical optical cable (4 Single mode 9/125 wires, ref. eurocable CVS LK FO4SM 8/5). Link is pleased to introduce this innovative solution thanks to the valuable input from our clients and by leveraging the flexibility we are afforded by designing and manufacturing our own lines ofeurocable and LK connectors.

The most immediate need has been to establish more effective and integrated methods to distribute multiple signals and power within the live broadcast and entertainment venues. Providing solutions that are flexible and robust for demanding environments presents additional challenges. By leveraging the optical, mechanical, and electrical expertise of our team, we can provide our clients with configurable solutions for the transport of power, Ethernet, audio, video, DMX, and GPI/O. With the addition of the DGlink mux/demux modules, we can provide up to 64 optical channels at 10Gps each.